Thursday, May 23, 2013

History Will Not Repeat Itself

I am not sure if I have mentioned this before but starting in January of last year I set out on yet another weight loss journey. My starting weight was 220 lbs, and I was doing really really well. I had gotten my weight down to 202 by March 9th, at which time we had to travel to Chattanooga for a friend's wedding. We were staying in the same hotel with several friends, and we ate out the whole trip. I decided that I was going to enjoy myself and have a cheat weekend. I was just going to enjoy the trip without having to think about calories. Well, I ate whatever I wanted and I enjoyed it a lot. When we got home I just never could get back into the weight loss groove. Fast forward to March 22 of this year when I started this weight loss journey and I had gained back all but 1 of those pounds. I am a little farther in my journey this time around, but I am still so scared that the moment that I go completely off track is coming. Why do I feel that way? Because it is what I have always done. This is the reason that I have given myself ZERO cheat days this time around. Cheat days do not work for me, because I cheat and then I just never go back. One positive thing that has come from failing at weight loss so many times in the past, is that I learned something that didn't work each time. Now that I know all of these things that don't work, I have been able to put together a plan that is working. I just have to have the willpower and the dedication to stick to it. I can't let the fear of failing get in the way and cause me to trip up.  I missed my morning workout on Wednesday, because I was sore from painting and I was going on about 4 hours of sleep. The truth is though, those are just excuses and I have beat myself up about missing that workout ever since. I know that there are going to be times that missing a workout will be unavoidable, but I missed this one purely because I couldn't force myself to go. I am glad that I have been upset with myself, because tomorrow when my alarm goes off and my shoulder is aching from painting and I am yawning from staying up late writing my blog, I am going to force myself to go anyway. I know now that I will feel so much better if I go, not just physically but mentally as well. I will be proud of myself instead of fighting an inner battle. I am continuing to learn from my mistakes every day. I am so thankful for the lessons that I have learned along the way, and I can't wait to learn more. Just hopefully not from mistakes this time!

Thanks for reading,

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