Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Self Doubt

As I mentioned in my last post, we did some serious spring cleaning on Saturday. We were trying to make some extra space in my husband's closet so he suggested that we donate some of our coats. It started with just purging some coats that we haven't worn in a while, but then he started pulling out some of my favorites. I immediately grabbed them and put them back. He looked at me and said, "these aren't going to fit you next year!" I didn't care, at that moment those coats were like a security blanket for me. My husband hit the nail on the head when he said, "you're scared that you will be able to wear them." Why shouldn't I? Every other time I have set out on a weight loss journey, I have failed. I was filled with so much self doubt that it was overwhelming me. I took a second to breathe and I remembered the title of my first blog post, "This Time Is Different". Then it hit me, that's why I shouldn't be scared that those coats will fit this winter, because this time is different. It wasn't without anxiety but I donated all but two of my coats. (The weather here can't quite make up it's mind so I kept one dressy coat and one casual coat). It really liberated me though, I then went to my closet and got rid of so many sweaters. Why? Because they won't fit me next winter! It's an exciting thought.

Today I ran 30 minutes on the elliptical, but unfortunately it did irritate my knee a little. I hit 1 mile at 14:02 and 2 miles at 19:02. I am going to the doctor Thursday morning so I am sure that I will be back on the grind soon. This injury has proved to me just how different this time is. If I had any pain or any excuse to quit before I would, right away. Not this time though. I refuse to quit. I will deal with the pain and do whatever I have to do to get back to 100%. This time it's a permanent change!

Thanks for reading,


  1. Sarah,
    I love your blog, you're doing a fantastic job! (I'm trying really hard not to be annoying and comment on every blog but I keep wanting to tell you how great you've been doing!) It's awesome that you're taking it easy on your knees but still keeping at the workout.

    Hopefully the Doc visit will help out on Thursday. You may want to look into something like KT Tape or even Pro Wrap. When I run long distances, I wrap pro-wrap around my leg a couple of times, and then roll it - This helped immensely with the shin-splints. Also, when you get side-stitches, just roll your shoulders back and open up your chest and breathe.

    Your blog is motivating me to step-up my game. I can't seem to stay under a specific caloric intake but you are an inspiration :) Keep up the amazing work and I'm so excited for you! You're taking steps in all the right directions and I'm sure you'll love the results in time.

    Hope you don't think it's too odd that I'm following your blog even though we've only met a few time :) - I just think it's a great thing that you're doing.

    1. Thank you so much for the tips and the support! I am so happy that you are enjoying the blog! I haven't weighed yet but my clothes are fitting differently so I know that I'm doing something right. Hopefully one day I can keep up with you and if you guys come in again we can go for a run!
