Sunday, April 7, 2013


It's that time of year again, yesterday was spring cleaning day. The minor task of re-organizing my closet turned into a whole house clean out and purge! This is also why I did my run today, and not yesterday. I figured all the furniture moving and hauling 3 totes full of books up into the attic was a sufficient work out for one day. My arms are killing me today but it's okay because my house looks great! In other news though, I have done something to my knees. I am not sure what, but it hurts to bend or rotate them and it is darn near impossible to squat. You may remember me saying that they started bothering me after Tuesday's run, but by Thursday they felt decent so I went forward with my run. I think that might have been a mistake because they are much worse now. I don't think that there is anything seriously wrong. I just think my joints don't like running with as much weight as they are carrying. Anyway, I have scheduled an appointment for Thursday with an Orthopedic Doctor to have them checked out. In the mean time I am still doing my runs, but I am using an elliptical machine. I can still get a pretty good work out on the elliptical but it is much easier on my knees. I am just doing this as a precaution until I can speak with the doctor to see what is going on. I am sure that she will just tell me to take it easy and use the elliptical until they are feeling better. No biggie. I didn't do intervals today on the elliptical, I just went as fast as I could and set the machine to a 30 minute work out. The elliptical machines at my gym don't show a speed so I can't really tell you how fast I was going. My speed really kind of depends on the song that I am listening to at the time, so I try to keep it up beat. I hit the 1 mile mark at 13:26 and the 2 mile mark at 29:07, so I must have been losing speed towards the end. Anyway, this is what I am going to be doing at least until Thursday when I can get some answers. On non-running days I will be swimming laps, since that will be easy on my knees as well. I just want to get them healed up as quickly as possible so I can get to my 5k goal!

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