
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Time for new jeans again!

When I first started this weight loss journey on March 22, 2013 I was wearing a size 18 in jeans. Sometimes I could squeeze into 16's but, it was very uncomfortable. I am now in a size 12 jeans, but it looks like I am going to have to go shopping for some new jeans on payday because even my 12's are too big now! I have been trying to wear my clothes that are too big as long as possible because I don't want to have to buy tons of transitional clothes that I won't be able to wear for very long, but with jeans that is difficult. My 12's look are big even when I first get them out of the dryer, but they look decent at that point. After wearing them for a couple of hours though, I look like I have diaper butt. My husband is making me buy some new dress pants for work as well, he says the ones I wear right now look like clown pants. As much as I hate spending money on clothes that I will only be able to wear for a month or two, seeing that my clothes are too big on me makes me very happy. It is very tangible evidence that my weight really is coming off. So that is exciting!

In other news, I want to switch to a topic that is a little more sensitive. Stretch marks. They are often a nasty little thing that overweight people have to deal with. I never thought that my stretch marks were very bad, until I started losing weight. The smaller I get, the more evident my stretch marks become. I had a really bad day this week when I looked in the mirror and realized how the stretch marks on my stomach looked. I had pictured that when I got down to my goal weight that I would have a nice tight tummy and be able to wear a bikini. I had a real pity party and cried when I showed my husband. He told me that they weren't as evident as I was thinking, and told me that even if I had a flat tummy with a few stretch marks on them that I would still be beautiful. I decided that instead of just feeling sorry for myself that I should try to do what I could about it. I did some research online, and after reading LOTS of reviews I decided to purchase Mederma Stretch Marks Therapy. I am not going to lie, it is a little pricey at $40 for a 5.6oz bottle, but the reviews were too good to ignore. The color of my stretch marks is not what I am worried about. Mine are white, but since I am SUPER pale they blend in with my skin pretty well. As I have lost weight, the texture of my stretch marks have changed, and that is why they are more noticeable now. That is why I picked this particular treatment. It is supposed to be really good about making the stretch marks smoother. It is a twelve week process and I am only on my 4th day, but I have high hopes for it. I will definitely be updating you with the progress as I go. In the end, if I still have some unsightly stretch marks I know that I will not be alone. Tons of women (and men) have to deal with stretch marks. At least I will always have a physical reminder to never let myself become over weight again. I hope that everyone has a great week, start your Monday off right!

Thanks for reading,


  1. Sarah,
    I haven't commented on your progress in a while but I wanted to say I'm super excited for you! I'm really glad you're starting to feel comfortable with yourself and are venturing into clothes/outfits that you have previously been conscious/wary about. Your progress has been amazing and it's great to see you enjoying the benefits both in the way you feel and the way you look. You should definitely be proud of yourself! You have lots to feel good about! Keep it up and you'll definitely reach your goal in the timeframe you set. Just remember to continue listening to your body and taking breaks when you feel you need it. :) Your blog is great and it's definitely inspiring!

    1. Thank you so much Tania, I am definitely enjoying the changes that are happening to my body and clothes are so much easier to find! I hope you are doing well, thank you for all of your continued support!
