
Thursday, July 18, 2013

I've missed running!

As you will know if you have been reading my blog since the beginning, my original goal in all of this besides the obvious weight loss was to be able to run a 5k in under 40 minutes. In the first couple of weeks I had some issues with my knees that limited me to the elliptical, so running got put on the back burner. I love doing insanity, but I have also missed being in the gym and as weird as it sounds, I have missed running. I feel such a rush of accomplishment after I run, and I love that feeling. My friends and I are doing the Color Run in October, so I figured that it is time for me to get serious about running again. I know that my knees have gotten stronger, and having the extra weight off has been helping too.  I know that because of my knees I am never going to be able to be an avid runner, but completing a 5k without walking at all is a bucket list item for me. I will be checking that off my bucket list on October 13 of this year. I decided to start it out slow since it has been a while since I last ran, so I downloaded the couch to 5k app on my phone and decided to start there. I knew that I had really built up my stamina from Insanity and working out in general, but I didn't realize how much. The first day of couch to 5k was a breeze for me. I was shocked at how easily I was able to get through that first run. You might think that I would be tempted to skip ahead a few weeks, so that I was really challenging myself, but I am going to stick to the program as is. I really want to do this right, and I think the best way to do that is to stick to the workouts as scheduled. I will still be doing insanity. The couch to 5k program is only 3 days a week, so I am fairly confident that I can double up workouts three days a week. If my body starts telling me otherwise, I will listen but I think I will be fine. It feels good to be running again, and I can't wait to reach my goal of running a 5k in October!

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