
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Over half-way there!

My fourth official weigh in was last Saturday, but because I had hit a bit of a plateau the week before I wanted to keep a closer eye between weigh ins. I decided to weigh yesterday so that I could see if I needed to make any changes to what I am doing. I am happy to report that I weighed in at 183, which means.....I AM OVER HALF-WAY TO MY GOAL!! I want to lose 70 lbs total, and being at 183 puts me at 36 lbs down meaning that I am one pound past the half-way mark! That also means that I am down 3 lbs for the week, so I think it is safe to say that Insanity is working. This first half of my weight loss journey has flown by. I am aware that the second half of this journey will be more difficult than the first, but I know that it is going to fly by as well. I am prepared to fight the obstacles ahead of me. I know that the last little bit of weight is the hardest to shed. I am aware that achieving a flat stomach is no easy task, but I am prepared for what lies ahead. I just have to stay focused and keep my eyes on the end result.

Tomorrow is the Fit Test day for Insanity. The first Fit Test was on day one, so you have to do another one when you hit the two week mark to see how you have improved. I am looking forward to see if I have improved on my results from day one. I definitely feel like I have more stamina than I did in the beginning, so we will see. I think that even on day 60 Insanity will still kick my butt! I hope that you all have a great week and as always, start your monday out on a positive note!

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