
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

Tonight's post is going to be a very quick one. I want to talk a little bit about staying on track with your diet and workouts even on holidays. Just because you are on a diet, does not mean that you cannot enjoy good food. Here is what I did today to make sure that I stayed on track. I ate a very sensible lunch since I knew that we would be grilling burgers tonight. I chose a low calorie bun, really lean meat, and mustard for a condiment instead of mayonnaise. Instead of french fries or potato chips, I cubed up some russett potatoes and drizzled them with a tiny amount of extra virgin olive oil, topped them with a little bit of salt and pepper and baked them in the oven. The taste is fairly similar to french fries but the calories are no where near as close. To top it all off we had some corn on the cob. My husband had some baked beans which I chose to stay away from, but all in all I was able to keep my calories for a nice 4th of July cookout to right at 500. Just making small changes like I made with our dinner tonight can cut your calories drastically. Also, since I am doing Insanity I was able to still get my workout in, even though the gym was closed. Don't let a holiday give you an excuse to throw everything you have worked for out the window!

Thanks for reading,

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