If I am being honest with myself, I've wanted to write these words for over a year now. You may ask yourself, "Why didn't she just write the dang post?", well that's because writing this post is requiring me to do something that I don't do well. That thing is...admitting that I failed. I am a perfectionist and admitting that I failed is hard enough for me when I'm admitting something to myself. Admitting that I failed publicly? No thank you, I will just be over here hiding under a rock. That's the funny thing about weight loss though. I don't have to write a blogpost or a status on Facebook telling you that I failed. Every time that you see me in person or even in a creatively cropped photo, you can SEE that I failed. Then it becomes the elephant in the room that everyone tries not to look at but you just can't help it because it's a freaking elephant! Look I am fully aware that you have most likely looked at a picture of me and thought to yourself, "she gained all that weight back." Heck you might have even told your Mama, "Poor Sarah. She lost all that weight and then gained it all back. Bless her heart." I get it! I've done it myself I assure you.
I say all of that to say this...I finally convinced myself to look the elephant in the eye and say, "I see you! We all see you!" I took it's power away by acknowledging that it is there. So here I am admitting to you, my name is Sarah and in 2013 I lost 75 lbs and here I am 5 years, one beautiful son, and a whole lot of excuses later at the same weight that I started my journey at last time, 220 lbs. My plan is pretty simple like last time, to take in less calories than I burn off. Looking back at pictures of when I previously lost the weight, I think I looked best at 160 so that is my goal weight this time around. If you're ok at math, you will put together that I need to lose 60 lbs. That number would normally sound overwhelming, but this time I have the added benefit of knowing that I have done it before. I have lost more than this before...I can do this. I will be doing weigh ins every three weeks and I will be making posts twice a week. So if you want to read along and see how this goes be sure to check in. If you just want to check in for the weigh ins to see how I am progressing, that's fine too. Writing about this stuff is like therapy for me even if no one else reads it, but knowing that people can and most likely will read it is an accountability for me like no other. WELCOME! I look forward to having you along on this journey!
I'm in your corner! Love you - Mom