
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weigh In Number 6!

I'm back! I hadn't intentionally taken a break from blogging, but we have had a wedding and vacation and it just sort of happened. I had intended to blog during vacation to let you know I stayed on track, but my there is no internet at my father-in-law's house so that did not happen. I will be doing a blogpost later this week going over what I did on vacation in order to still lose weight. That is right...I still lost a pound even while I was on vacation, but I will go over that in detail later this week. Now, it is weigh in and measurements time! Last time I weighed in at 180.0 lbs, and this morning I weighed in at 172.4 lbs. That is a 7.6 lb loss since my last weigh in, and that brings my total weight loss to 47 lbs. I am so close to that 50 lb mark! I am sure that I will reach that by my next weigh in! Now on to the measurements.

                             Starting                              Last Weigh In                                      Current

Thighs:                   28                                              23                                                      22

Arms:                    14.5                                    L-12 R-12.25                                     L-11.5 R-12

Neck:                     13.5                                          12.25                                                   12

Belly:                      40                                              35                                                      34

Waist:                   35.5                                            29                                                       29

Chest:                    43                                              38                                                       37

Hips:                     44                                               39                                                      37.5

Butt:                     47                                              40.5                                                     40

                            Inches This Weigh In: 7              Total Inches: 59.5

I miss calculated my inches last weigh in because I was only calculating for one thigh, but these calculations are correct.  I have lost 59.5 inches over my whole body! That is a lot of inches. I am pleased with the 7 inches that I got for this weigh in as well. I know that since I don't have as much left to lose that the numbers in these weigh ins are going to start being smaller. I will take these big numbers as long as I can!

Thanks for reading,

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