
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Weigh In Number 4!

If you read my blog consistently than you will know that I found out last week that I had hit my first plateau. I had realized that I had only lost 0.2 lbs in 2 weeks. So this week I stepped it up. I started Insanity and I met with a nutritionist and made some changes to my diet. I was not expecting great numbers, because I essentially only had a week to make the scale move. At my last weigh in I weighed 190.4 and today I weighed in at 187.6. Now considering that I made that change in only a week I am very satisfied with the 2.8 lb decrease that I had. Even though I hit a plateau on the scale, my body was still reaping the benefits of my workouts because I did still lose inches. Here are my measurements.

                                     Starting                             Last Weigh In                                Current

Thighs:                            28                                           23.75                                          23.75

Arms:                             14.5                                           14                                        L-13  R-13.5

Neck:                              13.5                                           13                                                13

Belly:                               40                                            36.5                                              36

Waist:                            35.5                                           31.5                                            31.5

Chest:                             43                                              41                                               39

Hips:                               44                                              41                                              40.5

Butt:                               47                                             43.5                                            42.5

                        Inches This Week: 5.5                    Total Inches: 32.5

So overall I am very happy with these results. Of course I would have liked to have seen a lower number on the scale, but as long as my body is changing I am pleased. In other news I hit another milestone this week. I have not worn a pair of shorts in almost 4 years because I hated my legs. I live in Tennessee so it gets really hot and very humid in the summer, so I was always MISERABLE wearing pants when it was 100+ degrees. Well ladies and gentlemen that has all changed because I purchased my first pair of shorts in a very long time. I am currently wearing a 12 in jeans, but I don't like shorts to fit close to my thighs so I grabbed 14's to try on. The only problem was, I could pull them off without unbuttoning them. So I got 12's and they still fit loosely in the thighs just like I like. I am still not 100% happy with my legs, but I am confident enough to wear shorts this year. I wore them on Saturday, and funny enough I noticed when we were out that even skinny girls struggle with cellulite. I am sure that no one stared at my legs like I was afraid that they would, and if they did...oh well! I have attached a picture of my new shorts, so enjoy!

Thanks for reading,

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