
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Weigh In Number 3

It is weigh in time again! So at the last weigh in I weighed 198.4 lbs, and this week I weighed in at 190.4 so that is a loss of 8 lbs, and 29 lbs overall. I am really excited about that. I would have loved to have been in the 180's but I am still really happy with that number. I am also extremely happy with the numbers for my measurements this week, so lets get to that.

                                       Starting                       Last Weigh In                         Current

Thighs                              28                                       25                                        23.75

Arms                               14.5                                     14                                           14

Neck                                13.5                                    13                                            13

Belly                                 40                                      39                                           36.5

Waist                              35.5                                   32.5                                         31.5

Chest                               43                                      41                                            41

Hips                                44                                     42.5                                           41

Butt                                47                                     45.5                                          43.5

                         Inches This Week: 9.5               Total Inches: 27

When I see that I have lost 27 inches, that absolutely blows my mind! I am so looking forward to my next weigh in which will be in 3 weeks. If I reach 184 lbs than that means I will be at the half way point. I am not even at 3 months yet and I am already about to reach the halfway point. I know that the second half will be more challenging, but I am looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome progress! Every time I see you, I can see a difference. I know you are focusing on pounds and inches, but anyone can look at you and immediately see your hard work. As always -so proud of you. I wish more people could see your blog. I have a feeling that a lot of people could be encouraged with your experience. You are not just showing a before and after. You are showing the time in-between - the fight.
