
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Weigh In Time!

So the time has finally come, it is weigh in time! My starting weight was 219.6 lbs, and today I weighed in at 209.2 lbs. That is a 10.4lb loss! I am almost at the 4 week mark so that averages out to a little over 2 1/2 lbs per week. I am happy with these numbers, because I have been aiming for 2lbs per week, so it means that I have exceeded my goal. Now time for measurements:

                                           Starting                        Current                      Difference

Thighs:                                28 in                              26.5 in                         1.5 in (each)

Arms:                                 14.5 in                             14 in                           0.5 in (each)

Neck:                                  13.5 in                             13 in                           0.5 in

Belly:                                   40 in                               39.5 in                        0.5 in

Waist:                                 35.5 in                             32.5 in                         3 in

Chest:                                 43 in                                41.5 in                        1.5 in

Hips:                                   44 in                                43.5 in                        0.5 in

Butt:                                   47 in                                45.5 in                        1.5 in

                                                             Total Lost:             11.5 inches

I am really proud of these numbers, even though I was a little disappointed that I only lost a half inch in my belly. I guess it's true that belly fat really is the hardest to lose. I am really excited about the loss in my thighs. That is an area that really bugs me. Overall I think my first official weigh in was a success! My next weigh in will be on May 11th, which also happens to be the day that we are celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary. (Since May 9 is on a Thursday) My aim is to be under 200lbs for this next weigh in. I know that it is going to be tough because I only have 3 weeks and not a month, but I am confident that I can do it!


  1. Can somebody tell me who that hottie is in the picture on the far right? Need to get them digits.

  2. OK, the garlic toast licking incident was pretty gross, but very creative. Way to support your gal,Brandon. Sis - here's a verse for you. "With God's help we will do mighty things, for He will trample down our foes" Psalm 108:13. I guess garlic toast could be a foe. Love ya - Mom
