
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Run Your Butt Off

Today I would like to make a recommendation for anyone who might be attempting a program similar to mine. I have been reading the book Run Your Butt Off. The cover describes it as a breakthrough plan to lose weight and start running (no experience necessary!). Sounds just like what I am doing, huh? Well my husband thought so too, which is why he bought it for me. I am only a couple of chapters in and it is already extremely helpful. The plan that they use is different from what I am doing but similar. They have a team that includes a sport's nutritionist, a physiologist, and an avid runner that all interject advise and tips. In the fist chapter it has you calculate your BMR which is your base metabolic rate. This is basically the number of calories that your body burns in a normal day just by being, no exercise included. Based on how active your lifestyle is (again not including exercise) it can help you determine what your BMR is. This is important because if you know what your BMR is than you can calculate how many calories you need to take in per day as well as how many calories you need to burn by exercising to create a deficit. When you create a deficit, that is when you lose weight. That is just one of many helpful topics that this book goes over. It also covers things ranging from nutrition to the type of clothes that you should wear when you are running. I definitely recommend it to anyone who is starting a running program.

Onto to the interval. I was honestly a little worried about today's run since my run on Tuesday was so bad. My knees have been bothering me since Tuesday, so that was also a concern. My knees were feeling almost up to par by today so I decided to go for it. I did however change things up, and I think that I am going to change the way I do my intervals from now on. Like I said before I use the GymBoss app to time my intervals, only I don't like it that much. I am always forgetting that I can't lock my phone when I use it, so it ends up stopping the timer and I have no idea when to change. The best run that I have had thus far was on Saturday when the app wasn't working (user error) and I ran half a lap and walked half a lap. So I decided to ditch the app and go back to that. I am so glad that I did because I decreased my time by almost a minute! My total time was 13:42. I walked 8 minutes and 6 seconds and I ran 5 minutes and 36 seconds. I am getting there! My shins gave me just a little bit of trouble towards the end, but nothing compared to Tuesday. From now on instead of increasing my intervals by time I am going to increase them by distance. So on the next interval I will try running a whole lap and walking a whole lap, then running a lap and a half and walking one lap, and so forth and so on. I think that this will work much better for me, so that is the plan for now.

Thanks for reading,


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